"Stewart's feedback was always very valuable."

The Masse's family felt that Stewart's feedback always made them feel that he was very invested in the purchasing process.

Read the Masse's story about their experience with Stewart Woodward and what advice they have for you.

The Masse's Experience

Marcus and his family were looking to purchase a house and were directed to another Realtor but because of an injury, she was unable to help them. Stewart happened to be the backup realtor but quickly after meeting him, Marcus could tell he had great knowledge of the real estate market and was a very trustworthy person. Marcus trusted Stewart so much that he referred him to his parents when it came time to sell their home.  

Why Stewart Woodward?

Stewart was very knowledgeable of the real estate industry, patient with our search, and always positive even through the tough times.

"He just makes himself so available."

What Stuck Out To You?

Stewart was able to have the tough conversation with us to make sure that our best interest was always the focus.

How Was Stewart Woodward Different?

Professional Photography



Marcus's Advice to You

If you're considering buying a home, my advice would be to 

"Remember what is important to you when looking for a house because your dream house is unique to you."

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